
We are always interested in staying connected with alumni of the lab. If you are a former member, please send an update to Michael!

Name and position


Next and current positions

Shreya Bhardwaj
Undergraduate student
Rutgers University
Antibiotic sensitivity under different nutrient limitation conditions Continued undergraduate studies at Cornell University
Justus Fink
Ph.D. student
ETH Zurich

Postdoctoral fellow
Rutgers University
Microbial Growth as a Function of the Environment: Nutrient Limitation, Selection Pressures and Community Interaction HFSP postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Victoria Orphan, Caltech
Kevin Thomas
Undergraduate student
Rutgers University
Transposon-insertion mutant libraries Continued undergraduate studies at Rutgers University

Tomas Lio Grudny
Research assistant
ETH Zurich
Transposon-insertion mutant libraries and testing effects of cross-feeding on mutations; effect of protein chaperones on evolution under Muller's ratchet Ph.D. student (Program in Computational and Systems Biology, MIT) in the lab of Debora Marks, Harvard Medical School

Anastasia Dragan
Research assistant
ETH Zurich
Mutation effects under different limitation conditions; growth of auxotrophs under different environmental conditions
Jakob Löffler
MSc thesis student
ETH Zurich
Modeling mutation effects in cross-feeding microbial communities
Aswin Krishna
MSc rotation student
ETH Zurich
Empirical measurements and models of resource colimitation Next: MSc thesis student in the lab of Uwe Sauer, ETH Zurich
Current: Ph.D. student in the lab of Sonja Lehtinen, ETH Zurich

Alexander Stein
MSc rotation student
ETH Zurich
Inferring single-cell lag times from barcoded lineage tracking Next: MSc thesis student in the lab of Niko Beerenwinkel, ETH Zurich
Current: Ph.D. student and Marie Curie Fellow in the lab of Benjamin Werner, the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London (co-advised by Kateřina Staňková at TU Delft)